Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.
Guest- The Current Date & Time Is: Thursday, February 06, 2025 10:21:25 AM
Last Post
Poll Hacking
Neal Grosskopf
Chris are you the one voting for empty radio buttons in the polling booth? The IP address and time of day would suggest it. Is it something that I am doing wrong that you are trying to point out or is it you using the Web Dev toolbar and clearing out form values? Either way let me know what's going on. View Replies (4)
2/21/2007 3:57:34 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 2/22/2007 11:35:18 PM |
2/5/2007 5:09:05 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 2/20/2007 9:47:21 PM |
Html Javascript
Neal Grosskopf
Chris did you choose a proctor for our html-javascript class yet? If so who did you choose, and what time do you plan on taking the exam? I am a bit confused on that whole topic. It seems rather stupid to be taking an online class about making web pages and have to take a paper test. Let me know what you did because I feel I am behind on all of this. View Replies (1)
2/19/2007 3:36:15 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 2/20/2007 3:11:58 PM |
2/3/2007 7:43:03 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 2/4/2007 1:12:12 AM |
2/1/2007 4:03:10 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 2/3/2007 7:04:10 PM |
1/30/2007 9:44:40 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 1/31/2007 9:48:42 AM |
1/30/2007 12:42:06 AM
By: -
At: - |
Web Hosting Reviews
Chris Retlich
About your newest link - I found it somewhat surprising how many people on there gave such harshly negative reviews of 1&1. Admittedly, they aren't perfect, but for the price, they seem to do a good job, at least in my experience. It is weird too how the reviews seemed to be extremely positive, or extremely negative with few being "right in the middle". View Replies (4)
1/24/2007 1:56:25 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 1/25/2007 9:50:04 PM |
Hoang Dang
I am questioning what technique do you use to have this message board? I want to have a thing similar to this. Could you send me the codes for this, Neo?
here is my email address:
Thanks buddy
hoang (hey, by the way, what is the maximum characters allowed to enter?)
View Replies (1)
12/29/2006 7:08:58 AM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 1/24/2007 1:58:15 PM |
1/10/2007 12:32:24 AM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 1/11/2007 7:59:09 PM |
Happy New Year!
Kate Gr
Happy New Year to you both! I hope you had a fun time...it will be a great/big year for us all!
1/1/2007 6:16:24 PM
By: -
At: - |
Windows Vista
Neal Grosskopf
Gez Chris, there must be alot of people hitting that site right now (powertogether.com) it times out every time I go to it. Was this a slashdot post? That would probably explain all the visitors.
UPDATE: I tried going through the process on that site. After giving away some of my information I gave up since it is so darn slow. View Replies (1)
11/28/2006 10:23:23 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 11/29/2006 12:00:57 AM |
11/28/2006 11:26:32 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 11/28/2006 2:37:07 AM |
MB Look & Feel
Neal Grosskopf
Anybody have an opinion on the new message board look and feel...primarily the home page for the message board. I'm not sure what I think of it yet so let me know your opinion..ie the colors are too similar, hard on the eyes, or looks great. Thanks! View Replies (2)
10/26/2006 5:01:11 PM
By: Kate Hu
At: 10/27/2006 1:51:32 PM |
IE 7
Neal Grosskopf
Hello all, you may not know but there is a new version of Internet Explorer out now. (That what you probably use to view my site.) I currently have it on my computer. This means I will have a hard time supporting everyone who doesn't have it. Please go here and download it. Thanks!
10/20/2006 8:11:16 PM
By: -
At: - |
Tough Spots
Kate Gr
Hey Neal, Mom called me today about some stuff and she mentioned that things are kinda tough for you. You're doing so good at school, even if it is a hard semester. I was put on academic probation for a semeseter because I went below a 2.0 so don't feel too bad. Easier said than done, I know. Sounds like they are messing with you about the internship thing. They should be happy that you got the one at Thrivent so that maybe you'll have a good chance of working there full time someday. Schools usually push hard for their students to get hired so they can have a high graduation/job placement rate. It might not help much but mom always tells me that things will happen the way they happen and they will turn out how they are supposed to. "The Lord is my sheppard" stuff if you're down with that. Call me if you want to talk or even vent. I can call you right back so you don't have to pay for it. View Replies (2)
10/18/2006 7:06:23 PM
By: Kate Gr
At: 10/18/2006 7:25:50 PM |
Home Page
Neal Grosskopf
Hi all. Let me know if my home page loaded any faster for you when you came to my site. For me it is loading faster but it always seems to load faster in my room. View Replies (3)
10/6/2006 12:20:17 AM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 10/9/2006 12:24:14 PM |
Neal Grosskopf
AHHHHHHH! My site has been down for the last 2 hours. It is finally up. After calling 1and1.com they told me they were doing updates to the server. (Some cockney british helped me tho I couldn't understand her)Good to see it is up again. View Replies (1)
10/3/2006 6:50:32 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 10/4/2006 9:01:43 PM |
New Feature
Neal Grosskopf
Hi all! I've added a new feature to the messageboad. In the "Replies" column you'll notice numbers. They are now links that you can click. It will take you to a page that lists all the users who replied to that thread and tells you home posts they made in it. (This post is really just a test post for me but I thought I'd mention that as well) View Replies (1)
10/4/2006 6:50:28 PM
By: Emily Grosskopf
At: 10/4/2006 6:55:58 PM |
Neal Grosskopf
Hey Kate, if you're that crazy you could probably hide your email address on facebook, and then change your name, then add the person. View Replies (1)
9/26/2006 5:27:08 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 9/26/2006 6:33:20 PM |