Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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Kate Hu
Posts: 50
Last: 2/11/2010
Happy Birthday!
3/20/2009 7:52:08 AM

Happy Birthday...we'll see you tonight.

Chris Retlich
Posts: 50
Last: 3/23/2009
Re: Happy Birthday!
3/23/2009 3:15:02 PM

Yeah, happy birthday, Neal, I hope you have/had a great birthday. I'd sing "Happy Birthday" to you, but then I'd have to pay WMG (the destroyers of YouTube) $10,000 for royalties. If your birthday has passed already, did you do anything special?

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: Happy Birthday!
3/23/2009 4:59:48 PM

Didn't do anything too exciting. Went back home and had some cake with my parents and sister, and got my taxes done. I have a feeling that next year's birthday will be a lot better.

Kate Hu
Posts: 50
Last: 2/11/2010
Re: Happy Birthday!
4/7/2009 10:40:02 PM

If you're up for helping we are moving Saturday and you can meet us at the storage unit in Greenville...or our new house and you can ride to Greenville w/ me.

Re: Happy Birthday!
2/6/2025 10:16:00 AM

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