Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

About NealGrosskopf.com


Hi, I'm a 39 year old Professional Web Designer from Northeastern Wisconsin, in the United States. I've been happily making websites for the last 27 years.

I'm happiest when mocking up websites in Adobe Fireworks, converting designs to HTML+CSS and writing articles related to CSS & Web Design. I also like to dabble in JQuery, Web Analytics & Search Engine Optimization.

My site, NealGrosskopf.com, has been featured on renowned websites such as CSS Beauty, Smashing Magazine, CSS Globe, 456 Berea Street and has hit the home pages of Digg, Delicious & Developer Zone numerous times.

History of NealGrosskopf.com

  • In the Beginning: 2003 - 2005

    NealGrosskopf.com started out on a school's web server back in 2003 when I attended Fox Valley Technical College. The site was nothing more than some funny quotes, pictures and was just a vehicle to host my web class projects.

  • Birth of NealGrosskopf.com: November 2005

    I then attended Lakeland College and worked on the school's website. A fellow co-worker recommended that I buy a domain and continue to develop my website. On October 18th, I had a design finished and on November 9th I purchased NealGrosskopf.com and officially launched NealGrosskopf.com.

    Neal Grosskopf.com Version 1

  • Version 2: January 2007

    Disliking the design of version 1 of my website, on January 10th, 2007 I launched NealGrosskopf.com version 2.

    Neal Grosskopf.com Version 2

  • Version 3: June 2008

    On June 6th, 2008 I once again launched a re-designed version of my website.
    On July 22nd, 2009, I switched hosting companies and began converting my site to PHP. The new PHP site was launched August 16th, 2009.

    Neal Grosskopf.com Version 3